Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 4th 2009

Alrighty! What a week this has been.
A lot of miracles have happened, but a really sad a tragic thing occured. We went over to our recent converts house on Thursday the 29th of October and she plays on facebook a lot. There's a young couple in our ward who has 2 kids, 8 and 5, and he's a WONDERFUL musician!! He's so talented. Well he posted one of his songs on facebook and Tammy, our RC, showed it to us. We were all a little confused because the song sounded like him and his wife were gonna be seperated. But I knew that they were very happy and that they weren't getting a divorce. It was still a great song either way. His wife actually was diagnosed with Kromes disease (or something like that, I don't think that's how it's spelled) but she turned out to over come it and all is well. So Justin (the husband) has a great websight that tells about all of this and posts a lot of his music on there, WWW.JustinYoung.com, So please go and check it out. Well his wife went to a Halloween party on Friday with her two children, and at about 11 at night, a younger boy who was about to turn twenty one on Halloween day, volunteered to take her to the gas station to pick something up. She couldn't find her keys. Pulling out of the subdivision, they were hit by a car, she was thrown out of the back window and on to the road, and the car ended up in a ditch. She was instantly killed but no one else was even hurt. This has been a really hard for all of us to face. They are highly liked in the ward. GREAT FAMILY! So it's been a really sad and hard time. He funeral and viewing is this Friday and us missionaries have been asked to attend. Of course we would anyways, she was a friend of ours. The family is doing as well as they can. Their out look on it all is, "At least we know the truth and where she is." That gives them great comfort. Tears filled my eyes as I heard this aweful news. Brought back some sad times in my life, but also helped me to have joy becaue I too know and feel the comfort of our Heavenly Fathers plan for us. So that's the sad news that has happened. Please keep them in your prayers and definately check out his web sight. Things are posted on my facebook account as well. I had a friend do it for me out here.
On a brigher note, the work is great! We've found several new investigators to teach, which had been great because we haven't had much success in that department. We taught a lady named Juanita on Sunday and she was just so receptive and prepared to hear the gospel. We only had about 20 minutes to talk to her, but we shared a basic overview of our beliefs and the spirit was just so powerful! Many questions aroused in her mind, and she kept saying how she couldn't wait for us to come back.
We've had 2 experiences like that this week! The Lord is blessing us for our efforts!
We had a lot of fun last week carving pumpkins with the Elders! We had to be in at 6 on Halloween night, so we got to party it up a few days before.
Today Elder Lowry and I will be practicing for our musical number on Monday. We haven't had time to work on it much at all so I hope we can pull it off. He's VERY talented, so I'm sure he'll figure something out. I'll just be the annoying voice in the back round that no one wants to hear. LOL We're doing a remake to "I Feel My Saviors Love" We did it in a different key and tempo. It'll sound good if we have time to practice.
We're also teaching Melissa Cassavaw, the Schoppauls referred her to us. She's doing great! I think she'll probably be out next baptism. Her interest in wanting to learn has struck their daughter who is less active so hopefully we can get her active again as well. Tristen, there son, is doing really well. He's a less active we've been working with. We have it to where he'll teach us a lesson. So he has to spend a week preparing it then teach us about it. We really enjoy it, as does his parents! It's been great!
We're going on sister exchanges for the next couple of days. Sister McFarland is coming here with me and Sister Whetstone is going to Glouster with Sister Hiles (her MTC companion) So that should be fun. Well transfers are in 2 weeks. I have no idea what'll happen. Some think I'm leaving and others think I'm gonna stay and train. We'll see. Well I love you all! Have a great week!

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 21st 2009

Alright, lets get ya'll a bit of an update on how things are out here in the WONDERFUL VRM Mission!
Last Friday we had a big zone confrence and Elder Kenneth Johnson from the quorm of the 70's came and spoke to us. He pretty much spoke the entire time! He's such a great man! VERY KNOWLEDGABLE! He's was busting scriptures out like crazy an from Preach My Gospel. His wife came as well. They have English accents, they're so funny! I receieved A LOT of spiritual upfliftment and enlightment! It was such a blessing to have him there! A lot of my questions were answered plus some! Sister Millburn was also there which was great! Sister Kim and her two companions came and stayed with us Thursday night. They came and spent the day with us (thursday) then we all drove up together on Friday to New Port News. My first area! It was SO GREAT to be back there! I was able to see a few of the members because of early morning seminary! They all remembered me. I couldn't believe it. It was a blast! We had to get up at 3 in the morning though so we could be there by 7. So we left at 5:30. Talk about a long day. We were all pretty tired. It was GREAT to see sister Kim again though! We were glued to eachother the entire time. People made fun of us! But we don't even care!
We're working with a new investigator named Danny. He's so great!! He's 45 years old and is very open and willing to learn. The first time we met him he was quiet and standoffish but last week he opened write up to us. We have another appointment with him today at 12. I CAN'T WAIT! I love teaching! Our teaching pool isn't the highest, but that just gives us the opportunity to go out and find more and get more doors slammed in our faces. Which is GOOD because it keeps us humble!
Next P-Day we're going to go carve pumpkins with the Elders! I'm super excited about that. I LOVE Halloween! I can't believe its here again already though.
Things are great! I love being a missionary! Thanks for all your love and support!
Sister Orawiec

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 7th 2009

So TRANSFERS!!! AHHH!!! I really don't like transfers. It's stressful. Well as far as what's going on with them... I'm staying here in Salem and getting a new companion. Her name is Sister Whetstone. She's been out about 10 months or so. She seems nice. Sister Silotti is going to Smithfield with Sister Hallady (One of my first companions) And my Sister Kim is going back to her old area in a three sum. One sister has been out one transfer and the other two transfers. So she'll have her hands full. She's really nervous but she'll do great! She's a rock solid missionary! Very GOOD!!
This week has been kinda a bust. Sister Silotti has been sick since LAST Tuesday night and we've been inside for the past week. In and out of the doctors offices as well. So it's been kinda a drag. So there's really not much to update ya'll on.
I'm really sad about transfers. I feel bad for the sister coming in because there's not much going on right now. A LOT of potential, but since we've been in for so long our teaching pool dropped a ton. But we'll get things up and rolling again quick I'm sure! This area is great! I love it here! I'm sad because Sister Kim is leaving. We just got along so great! Very easy companionship, fun, and UNIFIED! But the Lord know's what he's doing and he has an inspired mission president who guides the work, so I wont question it. Just make the most out of every situation.
I think that's about all. I LOVE YOU ALL
Sister Orawiec

September 30th 2009

What a great week! Of course it's a great week! I'm a missionary! But this one was really wonderful! So last Wednesday we had an awesome lesson with Eric Morris, the less active Marine. The sisters and I felt that it went pretty good, but just didn't know how well he was receiving it all. He had it in his mind that he "knew all the basics already" but yet he didn't know the gospel was true yet... So obviously there was something basic missing! So we scheduled for another time to meet him. But the I get a call from him the next day, Thursday! OH MAN!! The phone call! Are you ready for this???
I answer the phone
ME" Hello, this is Sister Orawiec
Eric: Hey, you're just the person I wanted to talk to!
ME: Good, what's up?
Eric: IT's real!
ME: What? What's real?
Eric: Everything, it's all real!!
ME: UMM... ok, what are you talking about? Do you want to give me a littl more detail?
Eric: Everything that you've been teaching me! It's all true. I was reading the scriptures last night and the words just started floating off the pages and it all just made sense! IT's really real! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'M TELLING YOU?!
ME: ( I was at a loss for words. This hard core marine who always has something to argue about, all the sudden knows that this gospel is true)
ME: That's so great!! How do you feel??
ERIC: I feel great. I'm not confused. I finally feel that there's a purpose for me
ME: YAY!!! I'm sorry I'm kinda at a loss for words right now. You caught me a little off guard.
ERIC: I have a hard time believe that YOU are at a loss for words Sparky
ME: I'll just go ahead and take that as a compliment!
ERIC: Ok, in all seriousness... (long pause) Thank you so much! Thank you so much for putting up with me, being persistant and bold, and making me do things I didn't want to do.
ME: HA, anytime!
ERIC: I talked to the bishop last night and he wants me to start preparing myself to go to the temple in January... And I want you to help me! If I don't feel like doing something, you gotta keep doing what you're doing and make me do it! Will you help me prepare to go?
ME: Are you commiting me?
ERIC: Yes, I am. You do it to me all the time. So will you do that?
ME: HECK YEAH I WILL!!! I'd love that job!!

Anyways, that's the jist of the story. Of course it was a longer more detailed conversation, but that's about it. HE KNOWS ITS TRUE!!! AHH!! It totally made my day! And not only that, he ASKED me to bug him and keep pushing him! Usually I have to persuade people LOL And not only that, he's doing his missionary work already. So many of his friends have seen the difference in him and asked him what was up. He told them all about his experiences with the missionaries and commited them to read the Book of Mormon, to pray about it, and to meet with the missionaries! So he calls all the areas that his friends live in and sent the missionaries out there!! AND, that's not all!! He bore his testimony in church on fast sunday!!! AHH!!! Talk about miracles! And not only that, he wants us to go to the temple with him in January when he receives his endowments! We'd have to try and get that approved by the mission president, but how sweet is that? MIRACLES!!!
Yesterday kinda sucked... We had to tell Casandra Deck and her parents that she couldn't be baptized. They were not happy. They did all kinds of yelling at me. My companions just sat there and left me to break the bad news by myself LOL BUt I think I handled it really well. They just weren't happy. BUt I was calm, bore testimony and then they kicked us out. They weren't showing the commitment to come to church and what not. Took things the wrong way and that was that. Long story. But now we have no baptism on Saturday. BUt I'm still SUPER STOKED about general conference. The relief society broadcast was really good! I LOVE President Eyring!
WE've done a lot of service for a less active in the ward, Sister Tweedy. Met many of her friends and they all want to come to church with us on Sunday and many more after that. I felt like Ammon, serve and win the hearts of those around you! TOTALLY WORKS!
Transfer calls are next Tuesday. It'll be interesting to see what happens. I hope S Kim and I stay. I LOVE THAT GIRL! We have so much fun together
The GOSPEL is true!!

September 23rd 2009

Alright! Here we go!
So Cory's baptism is TOMORROW!! SO EXCITED for that! Miracles are happening like crazy out here! Like they always do :) Cory is so prepared and things are going smoothe! Finally :)
Last night I got the best phone call! So we're working with this less active named Eric Morris. I think I mention him in my last bulk. He's a great guy. Stubborn, but great! So he had a meeting with the bishop last night "to confess" things and what have you. So he gives me a call and he says "sister Orawiec, this next month I really want you to push me and do what ya gotta do to get me on the right track and help me to know that these things are true." I kinda just sat there and I said "what? say that again?" " You WANT me to actually bug you and push you?" "Hold the phone!" Who asks that? People usually try to get rid of us if anything! He said "I met with the bishop and there's a temple trip coming up in January and he wants me to prepare myself to go. And since you're a little fireball (he calls me sparky) I know that you can get me there. But I need your help. If i'm feeling lazy and not wanting to do things, you have got to push me! You're so passionate and DON'T take no for an answer. So will you do that?" I was in shock! I said "Heck yeah! I'd love that job!" Best phone call! You WANT me to bug you? You WANT me to push you? You WANT to go to the temple? You WANT to know these things are true!? HECK YEAH I'LL HELP YOU!! It was the coolest thing ever! He says that "you just don't find Mormons like me" Ha, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But whatever helps him. I'm here to serve! So that was a cool miracle.
Casandra Deck is getting baptized on October 3rd in between conference sessions. So we'll have 2 baptism in a week and a half! Sweet! I love being a missionary! That's the most exciting things that are going on. I played a little trick on one of my Zone Leaders. Elder Lowry. He has a great singing voice but he's really shy about it. He always likes to give me a hard time about things so I thought I'd pay him back. So I got Cory in on it. I had Cory ask him to sing a solo at his baptism HAHAHA The look on Elder Lowry's face was priceless! Right after Cory asked him, he looked right at me and glared. He said "this is your doing isn't it?" I said "Why would you assume that" Then I of course started laughing. At first it was a joke, but now he's really going to do it. We all have to intertain ourselves somehow. He'll get me back I'm sure.
Well I love you all!
Sister Orawiec

September 16th 2009

WHAT A WEEK!! (Exhale)
Things are great! Lots of opposition that we're facing, but it's all good. When opposition occures, it just means that something GREAT is about to happen! I'm just ready for the great thing right about now LOL Opposition is exhausting.
Last Wednesday we had a GREAT lesson with a less active at a active members home. His name is Eric Morris. Great kid! He's a former Marine so nice and prideful. JK! He's amazing! We're working on humility with him and patients. He really wants to find the truth. We had a great conversation with him on Monday after FHE and discussed what his disires are. He actually came to church on Sunday as well. I didn't see him there so I of course gave him a call. He answers the phone and I said "Hi, is this Eric?!" He responds, "Yeah..." I said "hey this is Sister Orawiec, where are you??" He was at home watching a football game! To make a long story short, I LOVINGLY rebuked him for not being here and told him to get his butt to church, or else!! So he came. And not only that, he said he was only going to stay the hour but I got him to stay ALL THREE!! HA It was so great!! He made the comment that more missionaries shoould be like me (which I don't think is true) I just don't put up with his crap and give him a hard time LOL It works though. He's now reading the Book of Mormon and praying. We have a lesson with him tonight and I'm super excited for it!
Cory is doing really well! He's set for baptism on September 24th. He's really excited and really preparing himself to enter into a covenant with the Lord. He's understanding things really well and is very active in participating in ANYTHING in the church as long as he is able to. If he's not at work, he's with the church. SOLID!
We met a new member of the ward last week, the Masons! They are amazing! Very cute younger couple. They LOVE FRIENDS -the TV series- and play the trivia game. And whoever knows me knows that I LOVE FRIENDS! So they make it on the cool list of people out here. They invited us back over for dinner this Friday...
We got a new ward missionary leader :( SAD DAY!! Bro. Nielsen got release and Bro Kellis (new member of the ward) is the new one. He's cool and all, and he'll do great, I just love Bro. Nielsen! I'll still bug him though I'm sure :) Or he'll bug me, either way.
We had a BBQ at President Thomas' house on Saturday for all the Recent COnverts and investigators. It was a lot of fun. I played a game that I don't know how to spell the name, and ping pong. I got beat by Elder Lowry but it's ok, I'm not bitter! He only won by one point!
We performed a musical number in the Singles ward on Sunday! It turned out SO GOOD!! Elder Lowry and Elder Fairclough (his greenie) sang and sister Silotti played the piano and I signed. It was SO GOOD!! the Elders did a harmony with it. We've been practicing all week. OH MAN IT WAS GOOD!!! So much fun!
We went and had dinner at the Kruta's on Sunday. It's been a long time since I've seen Bro. Kruta. We of course gave eachother a hard time and had our arguments/discussions. I love that guy! He thinks he's so hard core and he's not LOL just a big teddy bear!
Our companionship is a little rough right now. Just lots of opposition. We had to stop working for 2 days because we just didn't have the spirit with us. Sister Silotti is really struggling with depression and we're trying to all be patient. It's hard but we'll make it through.
We did a cool activity for FHE on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We made footprints to follow a path and went to all different places in the church and taught a short powerful lesson for each topic. We ended at a picture of Jesus Christ (his second coming) and I read a few verses when He speaks Inviting all to come unto Him. The spirit was so strong and powerful! I loved it.
Well I think that's good for now. I love you all!
Sister Oreo

September 9th 2009

So it's been a crazy week! Lots of cool/weird/fun stuff happened. Well, I hit my 1 year mark on September 3rd! Crazy weird! Time sure flies. We had a meeting with our ward mission leader the next day and they suprised me with a birthday cake and sang happy birthday to me. It was the nicest thing ever! I love that family. The Nielsens! It seriously made my day. I wasn't expecting it at all. It was a random call we got from him. We usually meet on Thursdays and he couldn't. So it was a really nice suprise.
We tracted around the head quarter referrals that we got last week and we found a family to teach. A mom, Veronica, and her two foster sons Anthony and Orlando. They are a way nice family. They let us in and invited us so come back on Friday. The spirit was really strong and the seemed to really understand.
We had our mission president interviews on Saturday. Those are always nice! I love meeting with him. We've been doing the Book of Mormon challenge where we read it in 146 days and get quiver scriptures for topics he assigns, and we share one with him in our interviews. Miracles have been happening since we've been reading and applying the book of Mormon in our teachings. We actually discussed my release date and I'll be coming home February 9, 2010. I thought I'd be staying longer but I guess the Lord says other wise. I'm good with that though. I'll continue to serve the Lord even after my mission!
We had a crazy experience on Sunday before church. We met a girl named Mary who holds a "bible study" in her home. Or as she calls is a "fellowship." She's a very nice lady, loves God, and wants to help others find there way. So she invited us to go to this thing she was having. The spirit wasn't very strong there but she's a good teacher and is trying. But at the end the did what they call a "Manifestation Prayer" where anyone can pray if the feel inspired to. So she prayed to start it off then her friend Steven followed her. They called God "Dad" and "Daddy" They talked to him so casually. Then after they got done it was silent for awhile and so she decides she was going to end it. So she starts praying again and then COMMANDS Steven to speak in tongues and then translate what he says. After he got done, she COMMANDED another guy named Robert to "Prophecy" And they were speaking like they were God. It was the craziest thing ever! I can't even explain it! The spirit was FAR from that place. We had never felt so empty! The sisters and I just sat in the car after for a second to ponder on WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED! He immediately prayed for the spirit to be back with us. Not a good feeling. Crazy weird experience though.
Last night was really sweet. We had a lesson with Cory at the Schoppauls home and the spirit was so strong! I taught baptism and confirmation and had the impression to recommmit him for baptism. The last time he was commited it was a soft commitment, kinda fluffy. So I felt the spirit really strong and hard core committed him. I talked of Jesus' baptism, authority, and the gift of the Holy Ghost and committed him to follow Christs perfect example and be baptized by the proper authority and prepare himself to enter into that covenant on September 24th. Tears filled his eyes and he said, OF COURSE!! It was a great experience!!! The spirit changes lives!! I love it!
Then their Less Active son we're working with had us try this really weird food that he likes. It's pork boiled in pigs blood and has like seasonings and what not, and you eat it on top of rice. I can't believe I tried it, but everyone was doing it :) HeHe just kidding. Sister Kim and I tried it at the same time. It wasn't bad. Not something I'd eat everyday. We took pictures. It had the texture of dirt almost. HA it was fun.
But things are going great! I love being a missionary! Thanks for all your prayers and words of encouragement
Hurray for Israel!
Sister Oreo